Dear Diary

Seeing as I started this (the blog) for the fun of it, and seeing as no-one has read my blog yet, I feel like I can kind of use this as a diary. If you happen to stumble across my blog; feel free to read more if you'd like to.

Let me give you some context, we're probably 5 weeks into this lockdown (COVID19) and currently, it's a Tuesday, I have time to write this as I'm only getting 80% of my wages as part of this "furlough" programme.

I'll give you more context, not because you need it, but because I'm just extra like that. The first official week of lockdown was a real struggle. This is because work had unofficially sent me home to work for home. After all, I was of high-risk; as a person that had used public transport. *Side Maple Syrup- R.I.P to all the bus drivers in London. So I was in lockdown before it was official.

In all honesty, a lot of people were locking themselves down before the government had officially said anything.

Anyways I was really miserable and I was grumbling and bumming around everywhere. I was what you might call a hot mess. You know that feeling when you can't be asked to do anything so much so that it annoys you that you're doing nothing, I really get under my own skin a lot of the time.

 I felt frustrated because it obviously ruined my schedule and I obviously don't like change. Adjusting to this lifestyle felt obscure. Time seems a lot slower.

 I was so bored the first week or so because I didn't have any work to get on with, I finished all my work within an hour or two. At first, I was annoyed that I was furloughed, because instead of having something to do for a few hours, I had nothing to do. So I wallowed in own my tears. I ended up moving onto social media and binge-watching K-drama. It just got tiring seeing the same old content repetitively. Then it just got frustrating and I didn't go on Snapchat and Instagram for two weeks.

Regardless, it made my days better, I later restricted my K-drama episodes because there were too many days where I just binged watched K-drama. I loved it but it was so unproductive I disliked it. 

I felt like a sloth, those sloths that creep children and adults out. So I've given myself of a restriction of one episode per day but as soon as the weekend came along I thought well I can treat myself and I let myself watch as many episodes as I feel like I should. It's a better system.

For the past 3 weeks though I've been doing pretty well in my opinion. I've been cleaning around the house, making food, trying new stuff out. I've also worked out for 10 minutes which really is an accomplishment for me. I need to do better obviously. 

But I've been a lot more responsive and I'm not so miserable anymore, to combat boredom you need to be productive, that's something I learnt only just about two years ago. In any case for about three weeks, I'd say I've been decently productive, I really do need to do more and prioritise things better.

If you want to know what I was doing to combat boredom, go ahead and read my blog on 5 things you can do during the lockdown.

That's it for now.

*Side Maple Syrup- Side note

Yours Truly Chicken and Waffles with Maple Syrup  ;)


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