Thoughts about our thoughts

I want to learn more about our thoughts, I don't think I'm special at all by the way, and I do strongly believe there's no such thing as "normal", it's a trend to say argue with yourself nowadays (I've been seeing it all over social media), but you're free to argue with me on this point because I feel I'd win if you were against the statement. 

This is all just assumptions and theories that I've sort of thought of myself, but obviously nothing I think is actually of my own, but one could debate and say but it is...I'll tell you why.

I remember reading in a book, that we gain information and our thoughts are constructed by the books we read. Although I feel like I could add all movies, videos, any sort of media to that.

Technically the writers, producers, directors all have had been inspired by something so their thoughts have been constructed by others too. I wonder where it all goes back. There are so many ideas out there, and the society we live in could be different from those that live in the first world or a third world country. The way we grow up definitely affects our personality and the way we do everything. 

 Our thoughts are constructed because most of us are "sheep" and those that aren't (sheep) usually are deemed eccentric or strange. They tend to walk lonely paths I feel. I don't think being a sheep is a bad thing always, it's because we're sheep that we're united as ignorant humans.

There's just way too much we don't know. Our thoughts are constructed by what we see and what we know about our world which is actually minute, (could you comment down below if you read minute as minute [as in time i.e seconds, minutes or if you read it correctly, small] )if we think about it.

I often think why did so and so do that? Say it was something I disapproved of, for example, racism, I think it's a sensitive topic to talk about but I feel it needs to be spoken about more and not just in our own little subcultures. However, it could be a lack of education that pointed those to feel that way about certain people. I often forget this.

 It's so cool that one would know more about one in a certain aspect because that sort of education is available to them. For example, those that live in a tribe in the Amazon forest might potentially have cures they've found in medicine that could save many potential lives however due to the lack of communication from both ways, we wouldn't know. A child from that tribe in the middle of Amazon may learn about the medicinal value in plants whereas a child in Sweden might learn about the same thing,  just using different methods. Argue with yourself if you feel like one way is more superior than the other.

To develop my thoughts, I am trying to read more books, hopefully it will help me to be more open, hopefully, I won't be insane but it's nice to understand someone else's brain process and the way they may think. I strongly believe that writers are so talented because they're able to articulate what they want and do it so beautifully to make their readers think. Side maple syrup * Should I get new Instagram?
Yours Truly Chicken and Waffles with Maple Syrup  ;)


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